All Court Information

Presiding Judge - Judge Jerry Gallier

Municipal Court Clerk - Angela Beenen

Our goal is to provide a professional atmosphere and a neutral, fair, and impartial forum for all Class C misdemeanor offenses arising under Texas state statute and city ordinance filed within the jurisdiction of the Rose City Municipal Court.

The Judge of this Court is appointed by the Rose City City Council to preserve and uphold the United States Constitution, the Texas Constitution, the ordinances of this city, and the laws of this state. 

This Court is committed in its role as the Judicial branch of our community’s local government and its officers are dedicated to the principles of impartiality, fairness, integrity, separation of powers, and judicial independence.


The Municipal Court cannot give legal advice of any nature.

Court personnel are allowed to explain Court proceedings and procedures regarding misdemeanor cases filed in this Court only.

 If you need legal advice, please contact an attorney.


You MUST be on the official court docket in order to appear before the Judge.

If you are unable to appear on the date and time assigned to you on your citation, you may call the Court office at (409)769-1444 to be added to a Court docket for a different date.


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